Divine Ancestral Blessings! 

In light of all that unfolded in 2020, and the energy and vibrations of this time, we felt that we needed to mark the Solstice, The Great Conjunction and the closing of 2020, and the beginning of 2021. 

In a different time and space we would have gathered, in person, with Loved Ones. We would have been pouring libation, playing drums, eating food, and creating together. 

Given that it wasn’t safe to do so, we invited some of Our Beloved Community to virtually gather with us…and it was beautiful!

We came together to share space with the intention of writing...a Virtual Writer’s Room that flowed from the verandah to the kitchen to the backyard and the red ochre steps.

We wrote intentionally on the theme of Tribe...creating pieces of art as part of a body of work that calls to mind the importance of Home, Tribe and Village. We connected across time zones, space, difference...we gave voice to memory, language to connection and word to intention. We wrote as Tribe...in Love and Ancestral Vibrations that rooted us in rich soil. 

These offerings have been brought together here.

The beauty of Tribe in the context of this Zeen is the call to be seen...nourished...encouraged by Voices that tremor with an Ancestral richness strikingly familiar and invitingly dissimilar all in the same breath. We laughed and wept...scribed, shared, spirits embracing til We slept...Hearts full and Souls charged.

This is Tribe

 Check out the individual pieces, including audio recordings, below: