SoloMan The Wizard///Tribalcosm


My tribe exists at the epicentre of universal transmigration...
echolocation using ancestral vibrations to translocate from three dimensional bodies to the next...
utterances infused with dark matter to manifest a nation of the liberated...
a quest both local and global...
travelling on a road full of so-called befrienders...
noble pretences...
so cruel intentions...
they hope to prevent us from...
aligning Soul Fam...
trusting Our own clan...
finding Our flow and...
finding Our rhythm...
too long We've fought a system that can't think in two steps...
move left...
who's right...?
can't trust two sides of the same binary coinage...
I'm finding it pointless to speak in a currency that continues to lose its worth...
what is the point of being heard by those who pay You no mind
its absurd to remind of the value of Life when We...
are the Gold they fight for...
measure their wealth by...
silent is the cry of those who have lost sight of their own riches...
lost the will to fulfil their home vision...
in this space We witness the inception of a tribal mission...
deeply rooted in resistance and liberation...
the emancipation of Our Skinfolk...
a declaration that to live bold is to gift hope to the next generation...
a legacy of revolutionary vibrations tremoring through time and space to quake and level babylonian constructs till not a single pebble remains...
tidal waves of aqueous flames cleanse the stains of colonial governance...
Our Children once more entering a covenant with Mama Earth...
from the dirt to the skies praising life in all seasons....
the air filled with a natural mystic...
triumphantly blowing with freedom.



